Two things actually happened that day.
Firstly, in the evening after work, I ran 2 x 10 minute intervals on a beautiful section of trail that I'd not seen before, and I actually felt good. Not like TFS, not just O.K. Good. (Breathe) What a relief.
Secondly, later that night, I had a running dream. Not the kind where you are running away from something and you can't run fast enough. Not the struggling to move forward kind. The kind where I'm running free and I feel good.
My first running friend, Cindy, who now won't run on the road unless it is to get to the trail. |
My latest convert...Jack |
That week I ran 29 trail miles plus 8 road. The following week I ran 28 trail miles and 10 on the road with no trouble with my long run now up to 14 miles on the trail.
One week after my dream, I found myself actually living my dream as I was flying down those rocky, technical, hills in the dark with my old running/training friend of 18 months ago, David J.
(You too, JoAnna, and Jeanette, and Kuss for your 50 milers and to Lyndsay and Tonya and Justin for your 100 milers! )
I felt honored and excited to be running, and almost keeping up, with him again (even though he was taking it easy due to his taper). :) Thanks, David.
Emily, it was awesome running through the woods in the dark with you again! The pleasure was all mine. You are running faster girl! So, obviously you're enjoying yourself. :-)